LOOT - Call Me Maybe

Friday, July 27, 2012


Sebby getting her prize.  Go LOOT Girls.....

Declans Birthday Breakfast

Day 2

Again the race committee sent everyone in early due to approaching storm clouds.

Kids are all home and getting ready for a birthday dinner for Declan.  Lasagna, baked ziti, salads and bread followed by birthday cup cakes (Shannon’s specialty).  The girls also got a balloon for Declan’s birthday.

On the water we had a good day.  After two days overall results are:

Ceci – 7th
Mikey – 12th
Sebby 24th
Georgia 27th
Christian 62nd
James 76th
Jillian 87th
Jessica 132nd
Will 158th (he had a 26th)
Cameron 185th
Declan 201st

So we should have 7 in the gold fleet so far.  Not sure if they will split tomorrow or do another round of qualifiers.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Threatening weather lead to a postponement at the beginning of the day here in Sandusky. The fleet was only able to sail one complete race today. Sailors were placed in 3 fleets of about 90+ boats in each.  Stay tuned for more racing in the Qualifying Round tomorrow.  Storm finally came at about 5:30pm tonight with some heavy rain.


Overall results:


So far standings are:

Ceci 4th

Georgia 46th

Sebby 52nd

Mikey 58th

Christian 61st

James 114th

Jillian 150th

Jessica 153rd

Cameron 192nd

Declan 201st

Will 254th


Results by fleet:


Only 1 race so far so lots could change.  They plan to try for 4 races tomorrow and then go into Gold, Silver and Bronze on Saturday and Sunday.


Jessica had a protest against the jury today and won. 


As kids came back early they de rigged and then socialized with the other sailors.  I took the boys home and Roberto came latter with the girls.  We then had a cook out with BBQ Steak, Chicken and baked Ziti and fresh bread.  All ate well and followed up with Klondike bars…guess what’s the team favorite flavor?


Now the kids are having a de brief with Roberto, then maybe a little TV and then bed.



Girls US Nationals 2012

The Girls had a great day!!!!  Roberto said the all sailed very well!

Congratulations Sebby!!!!   Top 5 Girl!!!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

PIctures from Team Racing at Nationals

LOOT 2012


Please see Marji's post below!  This however is the "all winter" talked about            "LOOT/Gnarly" Team Photo!  Please see it proudly posted on the Team Gnarly Face Book Page! A Great Group of Kids!  They all looked Great!  All very happy!!  Dan Spoke with Roberto - Roberto feels they all sailed very well! He was happy with the sailing. Roberto mentioned they sailed against some of the best USA teams, top sailors, and felt they did very well, so all is good!  Tomorrow is Girls Nationals - Dan and I will help with all of that.  Marji and the Boys have plans for Mini Golf and Lunch!  Amy Turner comes tomorrow, as do the Wollmanns - so it will be great to be altogether again!  I will try to keep the Girl Mom's up to date with the racing and all tomorrow.  Hope to get pics!   I will post more.  So see older posts!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Team Racing at Nationals is Finished

Hi guys!
I'm sorry that I haven't posted on the blog.  I'm hoping that you know that I have been using this time to love all over your kids and take care of them like they're my own.  I'm already feeling sad about leaving them on Thursday.  They are a really special group and I'm so grateful to them for allowing Christian to join them.
Today was the final day of Team Racing, and although they didn't place, they had 3 intense days of racing and learned a lot.  Right now I"m listening to Roberto in the debrief and he is discussing "room at the mark" in great detail.

Girls Nationals


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Jillian OK for Team Racing

We forgot to post significant information yesterday:( The terrific wind on Friday generated a mishap for Jillian between her main sheet, centerboard, and right hand. Thankfully a relatively quick trip to the local urgent care center for X-rays revealed no fracture, and after a day of rest on the coach boat, ice, and elevation, she is ready to sail with her team today. Best of luck LOOT!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Team Arrives for Nationals and Team Racing!

We arrived to 20 knots of wind and a great facility for racing!

Kids had fun on Friday for practice and came back wet and happy!

Unfortunately Sat brought back the hot weather and no wind!  We did boat repairs, measurements (done in a record 40 minutes relative to last year where we were calling boat manufacturers and sanding center boards for hours on end) and bedazzled the dollies (each with a special multicolored bow).

Marji successfully arrived with a car full of groceries and a big smile.  We past on the LOOT folder and keys.  First dinner was a success of Chicken and Mashed Potatoes.  Girls went to the mall and boys went swimming.

Shannon and Devin will stay for 24 more hours to help with the transfer to the house and the team will be off to NATIONALS!!!!

Best of Luck!


Thursday, July 19, 2012

On to Nationals

Hello Everyone!

Just a quick review of the events of the week:

A few good days of practice in both light and heavier wind unfortunately ended today with no wind and lots of rain. The kids made quick work of loading up the trailer (and utilizing the new shelving system).  We have a great video of the team work involved with the process but can't seem to load it onto the blog. And Roberto enjoyed a friendly chat with the sheriff (friendly because the sheriff was remarkably impressed by his organized paperwork:)  The neighbors have enjoyed watching the kids sail--they have provided a tremendous amount of entertainment for everyone.  As one of my neighbors remarked, "We have coffee on the deck watching them launch. We have lunch on the deck watching them sail. And we have cocktails on the deck watching them return to shore. They certainly sail a lot!"

Let's all hope they sail a lot, and well, at Nationals this week.

See you in Sandusky.

last day at Chautauqua

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Practice Week 2 at the McGranahan's

It's been a whirlwind several days with travel to Midwests, a successful regatta, return to Chautauqua (this time at our house) and two days of great wind for practice so far! The kids have successfully risen to the challenge of the complexities of launching from our property, and Roberto amazingly navigated the LOOT trailer up our driveway! They seem to be enjoying the sailing, playing on the water trampoline, kayaking and paddle boat, with the walk into town for ice cream (with the team mascot, our Newfoundland, Violet) being the biggest hit so far.  All are interacting well, just like siblings! Hope to provide some pictures of  the various activities soon.


7/15/2012 Pics

Monday, July 16, 2012

RESULTS Midwest Championship

Below are the results for the Midwest Regatta. Lorrie has been generous enough to post photos on the blog. Please refer to the Edgewater Yacht Club or USODA website for individual results.






It was great for the kids to get their feet wet as a team, and Roberto has been reinforcing that while they may sail individually, they actually are a team, and should be proud of the results of everyone. He has been stressing ways for them to sail as a group to help each other succeed, with constant reminders of sportsmanship.

Devin and I enjoyed having the crew back together again for the regatta, and find James and Christian to be nice additions to the team. We are also amazed at how much the kids have grown. It truly is a hoard of teenagers now, with all the complexities to go along with that! I am looking forward to having everyone at our house for the week (Devin unfortunately has to work and won't be around). Just a helpful hint to the future chaperones (as Amy can attest to) 12 kids sure can eat a lot! Amazing how only 2 more mouths to feed feels like several more.